


2015.11.18 過去のニュース

First month on the job/ New Technology 二コルより

First month on the job/ New Technology

Photo  This title can be a bit misleading. My employment did start in August, but as it was summer break, it gave me more time to settle into my new life here in Japan instead of actually working in the school yet. During that time, I also had an inside view of what it would be like to be here at Tokyo Joshi Gakuen. I toured the campus, spoke with the teachers, and listened to how everyone’s experiences here were different but amazing at the same time.

  One key difference of how this school stands out is its continually developing English program. As I was told by another Native English teacher (who is a part timer at this school) the school has used technology to help educate their students. Before it was using Nintendo DS systems with English games but in 2013, two years ago, they decided to take his advice and upgrade to use Ipad’s for their English teaching classes. I have heard of this being done in schools these days as my nephew in the United States classes also use Ipad’s to help teaching certain topics.

  Growing up in this modern age, it has been fairly easy to adapt using new technology. I started when I was seven years old playing a game boy and have now adapted using an IPhone every day. I have been able to use this knowledge and help the program progress by addressing questions some professors and students have while using the new technology. I like the feeling of being useful having that knowledge. To me, this made me feel very welcomed in Tokyo Joshi Gakuen and help with the adjustment process of working in this school.

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ホームルームの様子 中3英語の授業 iPadをつかった授業
