2020.10.29 スクールライフ
9月19日(土)に中学英語レシテーション校内大会が行われ各学年の予選で選ばれた代表がすばらしい英語を披露してくれました。その中でもたいへん優秀だった上位入賞者が表彰されました。今年はあいにくコロナ禍の影響で11月8日に開催を予定されていた私立中学レシテーション大会は中止となってしまいましたが英文を暗唱することは英語力の強化につながり、みなさんにとって大きな財産となります。これからも暗唱によって英語力を身につける努力を続けましょう!(英語科 田畑伯子)
The First Graders:REPORT FROM CEBU
At the same contest next year, Mari will make a short speech about her experience in Cebu and express her appreciation for this valuable opportunity. Now I will have an interesting talk with Mari after a brief message from our sponsor. Stay put and don’t go away!
Park visitors are always amazed to see the wide variety of birds, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles. Especially, alligators and crocodiles become targets for snapshots.
My brother also conducts guided tours for park visitors. His pet one-liner he gives to the visitors at the end of the tour is: “Now that you’ve seen alligators and turtles, please don’t even think of them as gator steaks and turtle soup!”
The Third Graders:TALKING DOG
This is based on a true event. Dan was driving on a country road in Montana. On the side of the road, he saw a sign TALKING DOG FOR SALE. He stopped the car, and a man came out of a tumble-down shack. He said ,”Interested in my dog? Come with me.” Dan went with him to the backyard, and there he saw a Labrador Retriever wagging his tail. “You speak?” Dan spoke to the dog, and the dog answered, ”Yep!” Surprised, Dan asked the dog, ”How did you become able to speak?”